“Mozart Momentum 1785” is out today!

“Mozart Momentum 1785” is out today!

Leif Ove Andsnes’s New MCO Mozart Recording for Sony Classical is released today! The first volume of Mozart Momentum 1785/1786, his second project as the inaugural Artistic Partner of the Mahler Chamber Orchestra (MCO), the new album explores one of the most creative...
LEIF OVE ANDSNES appears on PBS’s Articulate with Jim Cotter

LEIF OVE ANDSNES appears on PBS’s Articulate with Jim Cotter

“From Isolation to Ovation,” For some people, the spotlight is inevitable; Leif Ove appears on PBS TV’s Articulate with librettist Royce Vavrek and host Jim Cotter. Besides airing on PBS TV stations, the episode will be available for streaming on the Netowrk’s...