The Tiroler Tageszeitung reviews Brahms’s Quartets in Wattens, Austria

“Thomas Lacher invited four artists of the first rank onto the stage: Leif Ove Andsnes on the piano, Christian Tetzlaff, violin, Tabea Zimmermann, Viola, and Clemens Hagen, cello. Grandiose musicians who come from different careers but who have a joint passion for chamber music. And it was fascinating to hear the intensely crafted structures and the immediacy of details  – one voice and a freedom that was a new quality to hear in such music by Brahms.

Johannes Brahms – still young, still far from the academic “elder” he was later to become, although already a highly esteemed composer, –  could be heard as deeply human this evening …”




Source: Tiroler Tageszeitung