Warner Classics / 2002
Grieg: Lyric Pieces (selections)
Track Listing
Grieg: Lyric Pieces, Op.12 (Book 1)
1. No.1 Arietta
2. No. 2 Waltz
3. No.6 Norwegian Melody
4. No.5 Folk Melody
Grieg: Lyric Pieces, Op.38 (Book 2)
5. No.8 Canon
6. No.6 Elegy
7. No.7 Waltz
8. Grieg: Lyric Pieces, Op.47 (Book 4): No.3 Melody
Grieg: Lyric Pieces, Op.54 (Book 5)
9. No.3 March of the Trolls (Troldtog)
10. No. 4 Notturno
Excerpt, Grieg: Lyric Pieces VI (6), Op. 57
11. No.2 Gade
12. No.3 Illusion
13. No.6 Homesickness (Heimweh)
Excerpt, Grieg: Lyric Pieces VII (6), Op. 62
14. No.6 Homeward (Hjemad)
15. No.4 The Brook (Baekken)
16. No.5 Phantom (Drömmesyn)
17. No.1 Sylph (Sylfide)
18. Grieg: Lyric Pieces, Op.68 (Book 9): No.5 Cradle song (Bådnlåt)
19. Grieg: Wedding Day at Troldhaugen (from Lyric Pieces Op. 65)
Excerpt, Grieg: Lyric Pieces IX (6), Op. 68
20. No.4 Evening in the mountains (Aften på höjfeldet)
21. No.3 At your feet (For dine födder)
Excerpt, Grieg: Lyric Pieces X (7), Op. 71
22. No.2 Summer evening (Sommeraften)
23. No.6 Gone (Forbi)
24. No.7 Remembrances (Efterklang)
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All Andsnes’s performances have that deceptive simplicity which is his touchstone. His playing is always sensitive, never sentimental and with a bracing and essential ‘touch of the codfish’ (Grieg) when required. And while one would never want to be without Gilels’ rapt DG performances (see below), praise could hardly be too high for a pianist who so enviably captures the poignant nature of a composer who Tchaikovsky once claimed had ‘a glance like a charming and candid child’. Grieg’s piano, with its distinctive timbre, provides an added touch of nostalgia.”